IOTA News from OPDX
16 November, 2015
Island activities:
AF-119. (Reminder) Just a reminder that a group will activate for the first time Coetivy Island as S79C between November 16-22nd. Up to six stations will be active on 40-6 meters using CW,
SSB and RTTY. S79C QSLs will be available via ClubLog' OQRS or via M0OXO direct. See for the latest information.
NA-092. (Satellite Op) Clayton, W5PFG, will operate portable from South
Padre Island, Texas, in EL16 between November 22-26th. He plans to operate several passes a day from EL15, covering the southern-most tip of Texas. An operation from EL06 is possible sometime in the beginning of that week. You can follow his operation on Twitter starting November 21st.
It's possible he will operate once or twice while enroute. Clayton will try to work as many different satellites as possible. He tends to favor FO-29, typically 15-20 kHz above the center of the transponder.
OC-070 and OC-157 Operators Joppy/YB8XM, Agustinus/YC8VRA, Amiruddin/YB9IPY and Burkhard/DL3KZA are active (as /p, /8 or YB8/) from Bandaneira Island (OC-157) until November 23rd. QSL via operators' instructions. Look for operators after November 23rd to be active (using
the same callsigns) from Ambon Island (OC-070).
OC-164. Pavel, VK6NAX, will be active as VK6NAX/p from Garden Island
between 0200-1000z on November 21st (another report says 0100-1200z on November 28th). Activity will be 20/15 meters CW. QSL via his home callsign, direct or eQSL.
ADDED NOTE: Another source is reporting that a group of Australian operators will be going to Garden Island between 0200-1000z on November 21st. Activity will be on 40/20/15 meters using CW and SSB. It
was also mentioned that due to local regulations and military base regulations they cannot stay on the island after sunset, so the activation will be short.
SA-071. (Reminder/Update) With only two weeks left in November, operators Murilo/PY2DS, Joao Carlos/PU2KKE (newly added op), Joao Paulo/PU2POP and William/PU2XIZ will be active as ZY2QG from Queimada Grande Island [Snake Island] (DIB SP-17 [NEW!]) and lighthouse (DFB SP-11, ARLHS BRA-086, WLOTA 0242) sometime in November for 24 hours only. This operation is labeled as the "deadliest
island in the world" because of snakes. See for more
details and updates.
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